Conquer the Fourth Trimester With Postpartum Chiropractic Care

No one is more diligent about their care than a prenatal patient. That’s not a read. Pregnancy is arguably the most impressive thing the human body is capable of, it should be vaulted and celebrated and revered. via GIPHY This isn’t political. It’s just my observations as a chiropractor for pregnant women. Frankly, we should… Continue reading Conquer the Fourth Trimester With Postpartum Chiropractic Care

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7 Natural Infertility Treatments for an Endless Bloodline

What is that sound? That ticking sound? Is it an old heirloom? In a way, it is. That’s the sound of our biological clock, it really does feel like it’s moving faster than a normal clock. As a chiropractor, I’ve demonstrated to my patients that pain and systemic dysfunction within the body have natural, non-invasive,… Continue reading 7 Natural Infertility Treatments for an Endless Bloodline

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6 Ways to Relieve Hyperemesis and Become a Pregnant Goddess

Kate Middleton, Amy Schumer, Kim Kardashian, Kelly Clarkson, what do all of these ladies have in common? Besides… via GIPHY They all suffered from Hyperemesis Gravidarum. via GIPHY Hyperemesis Gravidarum is morning sickness from the devil – nausea and vomiting so severe it puts the mother at risk of malnutrition. It can last 20 weeks… Continue reading 6 Ways to Relieve Hyperemesis and Become a Pregnant Goddess

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8 Migraine Myths That Make Believers Look Like Ignoramuses

I love when people talk with the utmost confidence about things they have never experienced. It truly is barbarity, human thought and behavior at its most basic and unremarkable. But this isn’t a philosophy class, this is a place for people to find relief from chronic, unrelenting pain and dysfunction. (Though, I will say a… Continue reading 8 Migraine Myths That Make Believers Look Like Ignoramuses

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